Friday, 5 February 2016

Easy Way To Create Table in Blogger Using Microsoft Word

Step1 : Creating a Table in Microsoft Word
The First thing you need to do is to Download and Install Microsoft Word. If you already have this software installed then, quickly open up Microsoft Word from the start menu. Remember: You can use any version of Microsoft Word. However, in this tutorial the screenshots which we have used, are from MS Office 2010.

After opening the MS Word, the next thing is to create a table. Go to Insert >> Table >> now through the table grid you can select the number of rows and columns, which you want to see in your table. For example, if you want create a 3X3 table then you have to select 3 rows and 3 columns as it can be seen in the following screenshot.

Step2: Adding Microsoft Word Table in Blogger
Once you have successfully created a table on MS Word, it’s time to get the HTML code which you will be inserting into your posts. 

First you need to save your document in .html extension, so go to File >> Save as and from the drop down list select “Web Page, Filtered” and press “Save” button to conclude. (Try saving the file on your desktop or so that you can access it easily).

Now you have converted your table into an HTML web page, so simply go to the location where you saved the document I.e. HTML file of your table. Now select the file which you saved a few moments a go and right click on it, then press “Open with >> Notepad”.

Copy all the HTML Coding present in the Notepad. Now go to >> your site >> Add a New Post >> Edit HTML, and now paste the HTML code in Blogger post editor which you copied a few moments ago. Once everything is done press the “Publish” button to finish the process.
